
Send and receive transactions easily. anywhere.

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When to use Scallet

Scallet features

There are other wallets available for using Scala and the following reasons are why we expanded our portfolio with a webwallet


Your Scallet account doesn't need to get synced. Everything is managed for you in the background.

Instantly available.


There is no need of having your desktop around or sync an android wallet for small spontaneous transactions.

Just use your web wallet. Anytime.

Easy to use

Sending transactions via email address or accepting payments via your personal ShortLink make things easier.

Hi memorable address. Bye character mess

Accept payments via code (coming soon)

Integrate Scala in your application and use it as a vendor to make use of the scala network you already love.

coming soon

When to not use Scallet

Scallet alternatives

There are alternative Scala wallets for other usecases such as long time #HODL, mining etc.

Scala Vault

Android light wallet

The Android light wallet is your mobile wallet for sending and receiving $XLA including a full functioning light wallet to provide short syncing times.

Use this wallet if you want to use a full functioning wallet on your phone.



GUI Wallet

The GUI Wallet is the easiest way of sending and receiving $XLA with a nice user interface.

Use this wallet if you don't want to deal with terminal commands.

GUI Wallet


CLI Wallet

The CLI Wallet is the most versatile and best alternative if you want full access to all functionalities the wallet possibly can provide with.

Use this wallet if you want to access your $XLA via the terminal

CLI Wallet


A payment gateway for scala